People don't just get up one morning and say, "I think I'll kill myself today." They have to be depressed for some time to get to the point where they decide to take their own life. Which brings me to the question, can a Christian become depressed? If you are a Christian you should have peace and contentment at all times, right? You should be able to cope with anything that life throws your way. Wrong!
Guilt, loneliness, grief, discouragement can take a toll on the human mind and cause you to become depressed. History is full of names of famous theologians who were depressed. C. S. Lewis, Augustine, Martin Luther and C. H. Spurgeon are among some of those who were said to have struggled with depression. In fact, Spurgeon became so depressed at times he was said to tender his resignation thirty-two times in thirty-nine years.
One might be tempted to say that men like Spurgeon were so burdened by the demands placed upon them it was easy for them to become depressed. That may be so, however, depression can plague someone who has no obvious reason to be depressed. Elijah, the prophet, was a mighty man of God, who commanded great respect from the people because of the miracles he performed. He had just finished killing four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and under the power of the Lord, ran for miles to another town. But after doing all of that, Elijah collapsed in fear and went and hid himself in a cave because Jezebel threatened to kill him for slaughtering the Baal prophets.
Elijah came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. Here is what he said: “I have had enough, LORD,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors" (1 Kings 19: 4). Elijah was ready to die, but he didn't have the courage to take his own life.
Other Bible figures who battled depression are David, the great warrior king who God called, "a man after his own heart." Job, "a blameless and upright man," suffered a massive bout of depression when he lost everything, including his children. He cursed the day he was born, as did Jeremiah, the weeping prophet. Even Jesus was in so much agony in the garden of Gethsemane before his death that his sweat became as "drops of blood" (Luke 22: 44).
Friends, depression is no respecter of persons. It is an illness as any other and should be treated seriously as you would treat any other illness. If you are feeling depressed, here are some things you can do:
1.When people are depressed they tend to isolate themselves from the world. Elijah went and hid in a cave. Bad idea! God called him out and sent him on a mission. Make the effort to get out of bed and do some simple things, like washing your face and combing your hair.
2. Some people may not want to eat, others may eat too much. You need to eat. All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” (1 Kings 19: 5).
3. Talk to someone. Job's friends came to sympathize with him when they heard about his misfortune, but they only ended up making him feel worse. Be careful who you speak to. Speak to people who will be understanding and supportive, not people who will tell you, "snap out of it."
4. Seek medical help. In Biblical days and centuries past, they didn't have the medications and resources we have today. God has given man the knowledge and wherewithal to help us. Take advantage of it.
5. Pray. When you are in the throes of depression you may be unable to pray coherently, but you can read your Bible or listen to Psalms and gospel music on tape. Best of all, be hopeful. David said, “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” Ps. 42:11
I have written a novel called In the Wilderness that tells of a young Christian girl who was so plagued by guilt she became depressed and suicidal. Read this gripping story to see how God delivered her out of her depression and gave her a new perspective on life.