For us Christians we have cause for a different kind of celebration. Our freedom from sin. Do you remember the day you accepted Jesus Christ and were set free? It doesn't matter. It is enough that you "then being made free from sin became the servants of righteousness" (Romans 6:18). We no longer belong to the kingdom of satan. We have been translated into the kingdom of God through His Son Jesus Christ and our citizenship is in heaven. I see fireworks just thinking about it!
So today as you celebrate your country's independence, take some time to send up a prayer of thanks to Jesus Christ for setting you free. John 8:36 says, "For if the son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed." And while you are at it, think of someone who needs to be set free and share the message of freedom with him/her. It will give you joy and happiness and even the angels in heaven will rejoice with you. Happy fourth!
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