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Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Story Of Two Guinea Pigs

Recently, I was given the awesome responsibility of taking care of my grandchildren's pets while the family was away. Since I love animals, I didn't mind looking after the two Guinea pigs and a very playful Lab.  Once Ziggy, the Lab, was fed and given a fresh bowl of water, he pretty much took care of himself. But Charlie and Arthur, the guinea pigs, caused me a bit of concern.

To begin with, once I'd removed the water bottle from where it hung at the side of the cage, I couldn't figure out how to replace it. I was later embarrassed when I saw how simple it was, but for the time I was there, I had to hold the bottle while Charlie drank and drank and drank. Whenever Arthur tried to get near the bottle, she (Charlie is a girl) pushed  him away with her mouth or with her butt. The same thing happened when he tried to get near the food. I began to worry that if Charlie kept that up, Arthur may soon be undernourished. Charlie used to be a very nice, docile pet, but since Arthur came, she has become selfish and aggressive.
Jayden and Jen with Charlie

Maybe that's the nature of guinea pigs, I don't know, but Charlie's behavior set me thinking about the way we humans treat each other. Are we kind and compassionate toward others? Do we willingly share what we have, or are we like Charlie, trying to grab all for ourselves, not caring about the other person? Let's examine our behavior in the home, the workplace and even in the church. If we find that we are anything like Charlie, let's ask God to give us a caring and sharing heart.

"And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4 : 19). This is a verse we often quote, but when Paul spoke these words, he was referring to the gifts the Philippians had sent him, which he called " a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God" (v 18). 

When we give or do good to others, we make a fragrant offering that is pleasing to God. Think about it.


Unknown said...

Angela, you are an exceptional Author. I like this article immensely. The comparisons are thought-provoking. It is important that we treat each other with grace and dignity. Christians really can learn much from this article. God Bless you.

quietspirit said...

Angela: I understand what you mean about searching our hearts to see if we have aggressive behavoir in us. God will show us and help us root it out.