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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Seeing Green - A Book Review

Can you look yourself in the mirror and say you have never envied someone? Your friend, co-worker, neighbor, your favorite celebrity or even your sibling? I daresay few of us can honestly answer yes to that question. Envy, the green-eyed monster, sneaks up on us when we are not looking, and if we are not careful, it can color not just our relationship with the person we envy, but the way we see ourselves.

In her book Seeing Green,Tilly Dillehay paints a picture of envy that most of us have never considered before and causes us to take an unsettling look at ourselves. Using practical, down-to-earth language, Tilly shows us how we can identify envy in all its disguises and how, by recognizing God’s glory on the subject of our envy, we can snuff out the green-eyed monster once and for all.

Seeing Green is a book I recommend for everyone because we all harbor envy to some extent. And now you can enter for a chance to win a copy of this compelling book.

Giveaway link:

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