What causes anxiety? The scientific explanation is that stressful or frightening situations can evoke a fight/flight response designed to protect you from harm. For example, if you are strolling through your neighborhood and a ferocious dog comes bounding out at you, your heart begins to pound, your palms become sweaty, your pupils dilate, you feel breathless etc. All these prepare you for fight or flight.
But what if you are anxious or simply worried over family matters, finances, health or other conditions. You may not experience the strong symptoms listed above, but you constantly have this nagging feeling at the back of your mind that maybe you can never get out of this situation. Depression, a close relative of anxiety, may also show up and if you are not careful, you may find yourself having suicidal thoughts. How do you cope with this? The illustrious prophet, Elijah suffered his own uncharacteristic bout with anxiety.
Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. 2 So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, "May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them." 3 Elijah was afraid and ran for his life (fight/flight response). When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, 4 while he himself went a day's journey into the desert. He came to a broom tree, sat down under it and prayed that he might die (suicidal). "I have had enough, LORD," he said. "Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors" (1 Kings 19: 1 - 4).
Elijah is not the only person mentioned in the Bible who suffered this kind of emotional upheaval. Jeremiah (45:3), David (Psalm 55:6) and Job (30: 27) all expressed similar feelings. Which begs the question, Can a Christian become depressed or anxious? The answer is 'yes.' I find myself getting anxious from time to time, even though I know it's not God's will for me to be that way. Paul said, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" (Philippians 4: 6). And it goes on to say, "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (v 7).
This may be easier said than done. I present my requests, but still I remain anxious. Well, this morning I determined that I am going to trust God fully. I am going to believe that when I ask God for something in faith and according to His will, He is going to answer me. It may not always be the answer I expect, but it's always the best answer because He knows what is best for me. I am not going to give in to worry and anxiety any more because the Bible says, "... anything that does not come from faith is sin" (Romans 14 : 23). I don't want to be guilty of sin because of a lack of faith.
Are you worried or anxious? Trust God! Praise Him! Get in the Word and see what it has to say about faith and fear. See how you too can have "the peace that passes all understanding", the peace that allows you to enjoy your life the way God intends you to.
This is a timely subject, Angela. Everyone suffers from anxiety at times, but more and more people seem to have chronic difficulty with it.
When believers anxious moments or feel bummed out, it's helpful to focus on the Lord -- who He is, what He's done, and what He's promised -- rather than on ourselves, our situation, disappointments, frustrations, etc.
It also helps to know that these feelings are natural reactions to the troubles of life and we don't need to be ashamed of them. Our God is big enough to bring us through them.
Thanks for this post.
Those feelings are very real and Jesus knows that they are real that is why they are called infirmities and He told us that we have to power to be healed from them. Focus on Jesus and what His word says and we can be healed from depression and the rest of these things. I know what depression and all that mess is I once suffered from it badly years ago but the Lord delivered me from it. It's trusting and believing in Him.
God bless you my dear.
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