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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Finish What You Start

Have you ever found yourself taking on a number of projects, at home or at work and becoming so overwhelmed you don't really complete all of them? As a writer, it has happened to me, and I feel very guilty about it. There's just not enough time, I tell myself. So for this year, I'm going to make every effort to finish what I start.

A new year has just begun, and you may be thinking it's not yet time to talk about finishing anything. Isn't a new year about new beginnings? Maybe for some people, but for most of us, the new year is just another date on the calendar. Last year I wrote this post:  Just Do It  I hope some of you followed my advice and took that bold step to give your life to Christ. If you did, I'm happy for you, and the angels are rejoicing. If you didn't, don't put it off too long.

For those of you who gave your heart to Christ, I would like to encourage you to develop a habit of daily prayer and Bible reading. Yes, daily. It doesn't have to be an hour every day. You don't need a lot of time to connect with your Lord and Savior. He is always with you, and a few minutes a day may be all you need to acknowledge His presence and thank Him for it. Reading the Word helps you to hear from Him and get His direction for your life. Just as my morning walk energizes me for the day, so my Bible reading lifts my spirits and helps to set the tone for my day.

The other step is becoming a church member. Going to church doesn't save you, but saved people go to church. More about this in another post. Once you become a member, try to get involved in some of the various ministries. Many churches have activities for different ages, so it should be no difficulty fitting in. You don't have to be in everything. Church activity should never be a chore or a duty, but something you do because you want to give of your time to the Lord and fellowship with other believers.

If you do these things, you will grow in the Christian faith and enjoy being part of the family of God.

To help you get started on reading and understanding the Bible, I would like to recommend Know Your Bible by Paul Kent. If you are a woman, you may also enjoy Women For All Seasons written by me. These books do not replace the Bible; they are only companion literature to give you a deeper understanding of the Bible. If you do get any or both of these resources, I receive a small commission.

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