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Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Light Over Darkness

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.  John 1: 5

In light of what transpired in Virginia this past weekend, I have decided to use bits of a past post and quotes to show how relevant the above verse is. People who came out to show hate and divisiveness reacted violently to the peaceful protests from the opposite side. As a result, Heather Heyer, a young woman who stood up against this divisiveness, lost her life and many people were injured.

This should never have happened.

Despite the torches used on Friday night and the bright sunshine on Saturday, there was darkness in the hearts of many. But God's word says, "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it"  (John 1: 5).

Here's an excerpt from an earlier post:

 According to Dylann Roof, his goal was to see the races separated. He wanted us to return to the days of segregation. And that's Satan's goal. He is all for division. He hates to see people, especially Christians, united. He divides families, friends, relatives, even nations. But instead of division, we saw on television people of all races and backgrounds hugging each other and mourning the senseless murder of the saints. This tragedy has brought unity in a way that has even crossed political lines.

 Many people have spoken and demonstrated their abhorrence of what took place this weekend. As happened in Orlando and South Carolina and Ferguson and other parts of the United States, whenever evil forces try to divide us, people come together in a greater show of love and solidarity. 

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.  John 3: 19. 

There will always be those who will choose darkness over light, hate over love and division over unity, but thank God, they are in the minority. 

Paul says, " But where sin increased, grace increased all the more" (Romans 5: 20).

Let's thank God for His grace and for sending His light into the world, a light that the darkness can never overcome. God bless. 


My book In the Wilderness will be released tomorrow at the same preorder price of 99c. Get your copy and read about what happens when the light of Jesus Christ transforms a person's life.

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