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Friday, January 01, 2016

Are You Ready For 2016?

Whenever my grandson, Jayden and his little sister Jen play hide and seek, I can usually predict  who the winner will be. Jayden is familiar with all Jen's favorite hiding places, so when she is hiding, he waits a little then calls out, "Ready or not!" Shortly after, shouts of joy - from Jayden -and squeals of surprise - from Jen - ring out. 

So it is with the new year. Ready or not, 2016 is here. The only difference between it and a game of hide and seek is that we knew it will find us, but we didn't realize how quickly. Everywhere I turn, I hear people commenting on how quickly 2015 passed. Many of us worked harder, drove faster and stayed up later in an effort to fulfill our dreams, only to be caught before we'd even accomplished half of those things.

I daresay, 2016 will not be much different. With the specter of terrorism, climate change, global financial crises and a host of other ills threatening, we may be tempted to ramp up our efforts to do more in 2016. This can leave us tired, frustrated and defeated.

Jesus Christ gives us some good advice: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" (Matthew 11: 28 - 29). 

Jesus offers us the perfect hiding place - one where we will never be caught unawares or unprepared. If you have been running yourself ragged trying to achieve this, that or the other, stop now and go to Jesus. Exchange your burden for His, and you will find rest. 

The beginning of a new year is the best time to make a new start. If you don't know Jesus, why not open your heart to Him today, because one day, ready or not, He's coming and He will find you. Will your shout be one of joy or one of surprise? 

Happy New Year!

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quietspirit said...

Angela: I spent three months in a nursing home receiving therapy for a severely broken ankle. I was released to go home on Dec. 22. I await contact from a healthcare company about in-home therapy. I am confident that God will lead me through this new year. I have learned not to get to upset about what I hear on the TV news or read in the newspaper. God is my strength.Happy New Year to you and yours.

Angela said...

Hi Cecelia,

I wondered what happened to you. I'm sorry about your ankle, but glad you're home and doing better. Yes, He is faithful and will bring us safely through this year. Happy New Year!

Evelyn said...

Thank you, Angela, for a very good reminder. An excellent one for the new year. I hope yours will be a blessed one.

Angela said...

Thanks for stopping by, Evelyn, and a blessed new year to you as well.